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  第一章 总则

  第二章 建筑工程设计

  第三章 消防产品设备材料

  第四章 施工企业

  第五章 监督与管理

  第六章 奖惩

  第七章 附则

  第一章 总则

  第一条 为加强我市建筑工程的消防监督及消防设施安装质量监督与管理,保护公共财产和公民生命财产的安全,根据《中华人民共和国消防条例》、《山东省消防管理办法》及有关法规,结合我市实际情况,制定本规定。

  第二条 凡在本市行政区域内的建筑工程(包括建筑、安装、装饰装修工程)的建设单位、设计单位、施工单位必须遵守本规定。

  第三条 建筑工程消防监督、消防设施安装质量监督与管理,必须严格执行国家及省有关法律法规、技术标准。

  第二章 建筑工程设计

  第四条 建筑工程设计单位必须持有建设行政主管部门颁发的设计资格证书,不得超越设计范围,严禁无证设计。

  第五条 设计单位应遵循“谁设计,谁负责”的原则,工程设计必须符合结构安全、使用功能和建筑设计防火规范的要求,并编写建筑设计防火专篇。

  第六条 建筑工程设计方案(包括装饰装修方案)及图纸须报经公安消防监督机构审核,经审核的方案和图纸不得擅自变更。未经审核的施工图纸不得交付施工。

  第三章 消防产品设备材料

  第七条 公安消防监督机构对在本市生产、维修、销售消防产品(含设备、材料,下同)的单位实施产品质量监督管理,符合国家有关规定的发给许可证书,并到工商行政管理部门领取营业执照;建设、施工单位不得使用无证经营的消防产品,设计单位不得指定生产厂家。

  第八条 建设单位、施工单位购进的消防产品和工程所需的阻燃、难燃、不燃材料须经公安消防监督机构进行技术检测,达不到国家标准的,不准使用。

  第九条 装饰装修工程应采用难燃或不燃材料,禁止使用易燃及燃烧时产生有毒或窒息性气体的材料;电气设计与施工必须符合安全用电和防火规范。

  第十条 进口消防产品,应事先将品种、规格、性能等有关资料报市公安消防监督机构审核。产品引进后,经省以上消防部门复核合格、市公安消防监督机构注册登记,方准使用。

  第四章 施工企业

  第十一条 施工企业必须持有建设行政主管部分颁发的资质证书和工商行政管理部门颁发的营业执照。从事消防设施安装和装饰装修的企业必须持有市公安消防监督机构颁发的《消防设施安装许可证书》。

  第十二条 施工企业应成立法人代表为主的消防安全组织落实施工防火责任制,加强安全教育,重点工种实行持证上岗制度。

  第十三条 施工现场要制定各种防火安全制度及岗位责任制,明火作业必须采取可靠的防火措施,严格明火作业审批制度。工程建设期间,公安消防监督机构和企业主管部门可与施工企业签订消防安全责任书。

  第五章 监督与管理

  第十四条 新建、改建、扩建的建筑、装饰工程,未办理防火审核手续,土地管理部门不予办理用地手续,建设行政主管部门不予办理开工手续。建设单位必须按有关规定到建设工程质量监督机构办理质量监督手续,接受监督。

  第十五条 建筑工程施工中,消防设施安装质量的监督检查工作由建设工程质量监督机构负责;工程竣工时,由建设工程质量监督机构会同公安消防监督机构对消防设施进行验收、评定等级,并签发《建筑工程竣工消防验收意见书》。建筑工程应按规定配备消防器材和设备,并具备灭火性能。


  第六章 奖 惩

  第十七条 对在建筑工程消防工作中作出重大贡献和成绩显著的单位和个人,政府和主管部门根据有关规定给予表彰、奖励。

  第十八条 有下列情形之一的,由有关行政主管部门对责任单位或责任人给予警告、责令整改等处分;拒不整改的,处一千元至五千元罚款;情节严重者,吊销其资质等级证书、消防设施安装许可证书;造成严重后果、触犯刑律的,由司法机关追究当事人的刑事责任。











  第七章 附则

  第十九 条本规定自公布之日起执行。






第一条 为了促进对外经济技术合作,加强境外投资外汇管理,有利于国际收支平衡,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法所称境外投资是指在中国境内登记注册的公司、企业或者其他经济组织(不包括外商投资企业)在境外设立各类企业或者购股、参股(以下统称境外投资企业),从事生产、经营的活动。
第三条 拟在境外投资的公司、企业或者其他经济组织,在向国家主管部门办理境外投资审批事项前,应当向外汇管理部门提供境外投资所在国(地区)对国外投资的外汇管理情况和资料,提交投资外汇资金来源证明,由外汇管理部门负责投资外汇风险审查和外汇资金来源审查,并于三十天内作出书面审查结论。
第四条 经批准在境外投资的公司、企业或者其他经济组织(以下简称境内投资者),应当持下列材料向外汇管理部门办理登记和投资外汇资金汇出手续:
第五条 境内投资者在办理登记时,应当按汇出外汇资金数额的5%缴存汇回利润保证金(以下简称保证金)。保证金应当存入外汇管理部门指定银行的专用帐户。汇回利润累计达到汇出外汇资金数额时,退还保证金。保证金存款的利息按照国家规定标准支付给境内投资者。
第六条 境内投资者来源于境外投资的利润或者其他外汇收益,必须在当地会计年度终了后六个月内调回境内,按照国家规定办理结汇或者留存现汇。未经外汇管理部门批准,不得擅自挪作他用或者存放境外。
第七条 境内投资者从境外投资企业分得的利润或者其他外汇收益,自该境外投资企业设立之日起五年内全额留成,五年后依照国家有关规定计算留成。
第八条 境外投资企业可以根据经营需要,自行筹措资金,但未经国家外汇管理局批准,其境内投资者不得以任何方式为其提供担保。
第九条 境外投资企业的年度会计报表,包括资产负债表、损益计算书,在当地会计年度终了后六个月内,由其境内投资者向外汇管理部门报送。
第十条 境外投资企业变更资本,其境内投资者应当事先报经原审批部门批准并报送外汇管理部门备案。
第十一条 境内投资者转让境外投资企业股份,应当向外汇管理部门提交股分转让报告书,并在转让结束后三十天内将所得外汇收益调回境内。
第十二条 境外投资企业依照所在国(地区)法律停业或者解散后,其境内投资者应当将其应得的外汇资产调回境内,不得擅自挪作他用或者存放境外。
第十三条 境外投资企业未按利润计划汇回利润或者其他外汇收益的,其境内投资者应当向外汇管理部门提交不能按时完成利润计划或者经营亏损的报告书。如无正当理由,外汇管理部门可从保证金中将相应比例的外汇数额结售给国家;未开立保证金帐户的,从其境内投资者的留成外汇中扣除相应数额上缴国家,但累计扣除数额不超过汇出外汇资金数额的20%。
第十四条 违反本办法第六条、第十一条、第十二条规定者,外汇管理部门应当责令境内投资者限期调回,并可按应调回资金数额的10%至20%处以外汇罚款。
第十五条 本办法施行前已设立的境外投资企业,其境内投资者应当自本办法施行之日起六十天内,依照本办法的有关规定,向外汇管理部门补报有关材料,办理登记手续,并依照规定将外汇收益调回境内。
第十六条 本办法由国家外汇管理局负责解释。
第十七条 本办法自发布之日起施行。(附英文)


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council of the People's Republic of China
on February 5, 1989 and promulgated by the State Administration of Foreign
Exchange Control on March 6, 1989)
Article 1
These Procedures are formulated for the purpose of promoting economic and
technological co-operation with foreign countries, strengthening the
administration of the foreign exchange involved in investment abroad and
facilitating the achievement of a balance of international payments.
Article 2
The terms "investment abroad" referred to in these Procedures means the
establishment of various kinds of enterprises abroad or the purchase of
and holding shares abroad (hereinafter collectively referred to as
"Chinese-invested enterprises abroad") by corporations, enterprises and
other economic organizations registered inside China (not including
enterprises with foreign investment) to engage in production and business
activities. Matters related to the foreign exchange involved in investment
abroad shall be governed by these Procedures.
Article 3
Corporations, enterprises or other economic organizations that intend to
make investment abroad shall, prior to going through the procedures of
application, examination and approval of investment abroad with the
competent State authorities, provide the department for control of foreign
exchange with the information on the administration exercised by the
countries (or regions) where their investment is to be over the foreign
exchange involved in investigated by foreign countries and the relevant
data, and submit to the department the certifying documents on the
source(s) of the funds in foreign exchange earmarked for investment
abroad. The department for control of foreign exchange shall be
responsible for the risk examination of the foreign exchange earmarked for
investment abroad and for the examination of the source(s) of the funds in
foreign exchange and shall present within 30 days the conclusions in
writing drawn from the examinations.
Article 4
Corporations, enterprises or other economic organizations (hereinafter
referred to as "domestic investors") that have been permitted to make
investment abroad shall handle with the department for control of foreign
exchange the procedures of registration and of remitting abroad the funds
in foreign exchange earmarked for investment abroad by presenting the
following materials:
1. the documents of approval issued by the competent State authorities;
2. the conclusions in writing drawn by the department for control of
foreign exchange from the risk examination of the foreign exchange
earmarked for investment abroad and the examination of the source(s) of
the funds in foreign exchange; and
3. the contract of the investment project or other document(s) that may
serve to certify the amount of the funds in foreign exchange that the
domestic investors shall remit abroad.
In handling the procedures of registration and of remitting abroad the
funds in foreign exchange earmarked for investment abroad as prescribed in
the first paragraph of this Article, the department for control of foreign
exchange shall re-examine the source(s) of the funds in foreign exchange
of the domestic investors.
Article 5
In going through the procedures of registration, the domestic investors
shall place a deposit as a guarantee that they shall remit the profit back
to China (hereinafter referred to as "guarantee deposit") which is equal
to 5 percent of the amount of funds in foreign exchange to be sent abroad.
The guarantee deposit shall be placed in a special account in a bank
designated by the department for control of foreign exchange. The
guarantee deposit shall be refunded when the total amount of profit
remitted back to China is equal to the amount of funds in foreign exchange
sent abroad. The interest on the guarantee deposit shall be paid to the
domestic investors in accordance with the standard rate prescribed by the
If the domestic investors experience real difficulty in placing the
guarantee deposit, they may give a written commitment to the department
for control of foreign exchange that the enterprise abroad in which they
invest shall remit regularly the profit or other incomes in foreign
exchange back to China.
Article 6
The profit or other incomes in foreign exchange derived by domestic
investors from their investment abroad shall be repatriated within 6
months as of the end of the local accounting year and settled as foreign
exchange or retained as spot exchange in accordance with the pertinent
provisions of the State. Without the approval by the department for
control of foreign exchange, they may not be diverted to other uses or
kept abroad.
Article 7
The share of profit or other incomes in foreign exchange that domestic
investors receive from the enterprise abroad in which they invest shall be
retained in full in the first five years as of the date of the
establishment of the enterprise and shall be retained at a percentage
calculated in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the State as of
the end of the first five years.
Article 8
A Chinese-invested enterprise abroad may, on the basis of the need of its
business operations, raise funds on its own. But without approval by the
State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control, its domestic investors
may not provide guarantee for it by any means.
Article 9
The annual accounting statements of a Chinese-invested enterprise abroad,
including the statement of assets and liabilities and the statement of
loss and profit, shall, within 6 months as of the end of the local
accounting year, be submitted by its domestic investors to the department
for control of foreign exchange.
Article 10
If a Chinese-invested enterprise abroad is to make changes in its capital,
its domestic investors shall apply in advance to the original examining
and approving authorities for approval and the changes shall be reported
to the department for control of foreign exchange for the record.
Article 11
If domestic investors are to transfer the shares of stock of the
enterprise abroad in which they invest, they shall submit to the local
department for control of foreign exchange a report for the transfer
thereof and shall repatriate the incomes in foreign exchange thus obtained
within 30 days after the completion of the transfer.
Article 12
If a Chinese-invested enterprise abroad terminates its business operations
or is dissolved in accordance with the laws of the country (or region) in
which it is located, its domestic investors shall repatriate the assets in
foreign exchange that they are entitled to obtain and may not divert them
to other uses or keep them abroad without authorization.
Article 13
If a Chinese-invested enterprise abroad fails to remit back to China their
profit or other incomes in foreign exchange in accordance with their
profit plan, its domestic investors shall submit to the department for
control of foreign exchange a report on their failure to fulfil their
profit plan on schedule or on the losses sustained in business operations.
If they fail to offer sufficient justification, the department for control
of foreign exchange may deduct from their guarantee deposit a
corresponding proportion of foreign exchange and sell it to the State. If
the domestic investors have not opened a guarantee deposit account, the
department for control of foreign exchange shall deduct from their
retained foreign exchange a corresponding amount and turn it over to the
State, but the total amount deducted shall not exceed 20 percent of the
amount of the funds in foreign exchange that has been remitted abroad.
Article 14
If domestic investors violate the provisions in Articles 6, 11 and 12, the
department for control of foreign exchange shall order them to repatriate
the foreign exchange involved within a prescribed period of time and may
impose a fine amounting from 10 percent up to 20 percent of the amount
that should be repatriated.
If domestic investors violate the provisions in Articles 9 and 10 to a
serious extent, the department for control of foreign exchange may impose
on them a fine of Renminbi 100,000 yuan or less.
Violators of the other provisions of these Procedures shall be dealt with
in accordance with the provisions of the Rules for the Implementation of
Penalties on Violations of Foreign Exchange Control.
Article 15
The domestic investors of the Chinese-invested enterprise abroad
established before these Procedures go into effect shall, within 60 days
starting from the day on which these Procedures go into effect and in
accordance with the relevant provisions of these Procedures, approach the
department for control of foreign exchange to make up for the submission
of the relevant materials and go through the procedures of registration
and shall repatriate their incomes in foreign exchange in accordance with
the relevant provisions.
Article 16
The State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control shall be responsible
for the interpretation of these Procedures.
Article 17
These Procedures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.